"Unable to stop" window has been reworked
- "Forced Stop" button became smarter, now it not only closes all files opened by the processes on the device, but it tries to close portable applications (applications that are run from the external drive you are intending to stop). USB Safely Remove sends command to close the application so they can normally stop and save their settings. If the application refuses to be closed (e.g. it displays message "Are you sure you want to exit?") you have to find the application on your desktop and close it manually...
- ... or you can bring it to the front of the desktop or just forcibly kill it.

- Also we simplified this window interface by removing "Close programs" button. Now considering that "Forced Stop" feature became smarter, this button became useless, moreover it was confusing and a bit unsafe as pressing it could lead to closing of some important processes (e.g. your whole desktop in case if Explorer were opened on the removable drive). However we still leave the ability to close or forcibly terminate a specific program on the list from the context menu of the process (by right clicking to the process).
Bugs fixed
- "USB Safely Remove assistant service" crashed if there were too many files opened from the drive that was being stopped
- Better compatibility with Win Vista & 7 (sometimes program may not launch on these OSes)
- Sometimes the program may not restore hidden drive letters (if "Hide drive letters" option was disabled)
