MR Tech's Toolkit 6.0.4 is an extension for Mozilla browsers, with the stables, formerly known as MR Tech Local Install. Allows you to install and manage extensions and themes both in one place.
Generates reports with extensions and themes installed, cancels the delay of 4 seconds to start Firefox installations and can install several extensions or themes into a single action, among other features. It also works with Mozilla and Thunderbird.
Extending the Install button in the windows:
Extensions of
Grounds for
* Place additional items on the File menu:
Install the extension of the [Alt] + [R]
Install the theme of the [Alt] + [M]
They allow to install extensions / themes from the files *. XPI / *. jar on the local disk.
* Change the appearance of Manager extensions, and thus more easily managed by a large number of installed extensions.
* Display information about installed Appendices.
* Display information on all items available through about: ...
* Provides direct access to the database defined extensions / themes - including the Polish Base Extensions.
MR Tech's Toolkit 6.0.4